Thinking of jumping into this! without a parachute?
Thinking of jumping into this! without a parachute?
(Some thoughts from a first-generation accidental entrepreneur)
For me, it all happened in a jiffy(In addition to that time also appears to have flown so fast.10 years back).
I did jump into this without a parachute in place! So I am literally qualified to share a few relevant points for you all to ponder!
Beginning my consulting firm from my sick bed happened sooner than I had anticipated because the first customer opted to join too soon.
If I was probably a bit lucky to get started, the journey forward was a very big roller coaster ride! After getting started, I too experienced a lot of difficulties.
{Much much more than I could have ever imagined.}
With that #background let me share my thoughts.
# First set the purpose of this entrepreneurial journey VERY clearly.
It is not the place to expect to spend a particularly soothing time if you have had a difficult work experience and THAT is the only reason you are opting for this.
Yes, this is the place for you if you are passionate about starting something from scratch and have an enormous amount of patience that is well supported by humility to accept occasional failures.
# Be very clear about this from day one — There wouldn’t be any more timely notifications when money entered your account! Yes, the first thing you might have to give up is the feeling you liked receiving these month-end messages and felt the content about them during the job.
# Grew weary of the grind of the 9 to 5 job! Is this your reason?
Are you thinking about spending more time with your family, and would this change help you?
Probably you should not have any such high aspirations at the beginning itself, please!
Being an entrepreneur can be incredibly enriching, but it can also be a challenging process. You must stand on your own and take the initiative. Several times, it can take more hours.
Even if someone were to convince me that outsourcing and automation would eliminate all anxieties, I would still be unable to accept their claims(If you are seeking competence, it will be difficult to hire people at first on a full-time basis because of the expense of hiring up until a certain point would be phenomenal!)
This entrepreneurial journey gonna take a while to stabilize!
The proverb that patience is indeed a virtue is equally true in this situation.
Many times, developing ideas that could help scale up may require very long workdays. Also need to change course when we feel that the path forward will do us no good.
Job or entrepreneurship?
Well, this is a very debatable topic.
I have been on both sides of the table.
Entrepreneurship is a long-drawn battle.
Your willingness is more important than anything else.
Good luck.