One of the best gifts?



(Note: This blog is dedicated to all who stood by during the thick and thin! Also dedicated to those who opted to give more challenges to life by brining in a lot of unwanted hardships when it was really not needed to do so. But that was also a learning experience, to say the least!)

Some of the noble souls are blessed with the capability to inspire others just with a few words!

Almost quietly they could achieve that.

It is an inspirational experience.

They just talk to you for a while only and it is just those few words!

But you feel you got a whole new perspective on life!

Despite all the turmoils that you are still trying to figure out, that positive energy emanating from such unexpected short calls could give you the grit to take forward things beyond imagination.

Yesterday, A founder of an organization spoke to me. He reached out to me after he lost all that he has incubated for over a decade. It was easy for me to figure out what he was going through just without having to go through the details.

As someone who always believed in the adage that “Inspiration is the best gift, you can give others” I started engaging him and listening to his story pausing and asking him questions only when it was really required for me.

At the end of the 38 minutes randomly occurred call(this was not a predetermined call, rather it was a distress call from him) I ended up giving him the best possible suggestions that would suit him in the current scenario.

Later he expressed his gratitude to mention that it looks much easier to navigate forward.

I ended up further requesting him to identify a few more people from his contacts whom he could randomly call and discuss at length and I assured him by the end of next week even his new perspective would have changed for a better alternative.

If anything that was good about my yesterday's work was this 38 minutes of time I meaningfully spent in my sincere efforts to help him out!

Gift your time to those who deserve it! Nothing else could be THE best gift than your precious time dedicated to uplifting someone else!

I enjoy talking to those who impart positive energy and it is quite refreshing.

This article is ALSO dedicated to one of the inspiring persons that I have come across who incidentally happened to speak to me TODAY morning.

Thank you!



Prakashan B V(Founder:BVPRGJ Consultants)

Taking forward Sustainable Engineering Solutions, Cutting edge technology for core engineering #Link: # Helping #MakeinIndia{SMEs/MSMEs)