“Health Is Wealth” and it will always be so!

(#Note: We should all contribute to building a sustainable community. We should do all that is possible to create positive vibes and lasting impressions to help heal the world in our own small manner! I have a very close friend whom I am proud to call an elder brother because he cares a lot for the community and is always interested in building a community around him that is also involved in supporting each other. This post is a dedication to Shri. Pradeep Kumar Bhai! Apart from being an entrepreneur, he always finds time to help heal the world in his unique manner. What is even more appreciable is the fact that others with him also gel with the theme of a sustainable community and this post goes out to every member of the community! Stay healthy everyone! and enjoy reading the short article below!)

Things Fall Into The Right Perspective When You Need Them The Most!

I have been fighting my battle with the weight loss “game” as far as I can recollect! Until very recently it was just one of those goals that needed to be achieved!

So many things happened on and off an experimental basis and the resolve to continue or the nerves of steel to pursue missed!

Then a sudden change happened!

I actually needed to lose weight and around the same time met an inspirational friend of mine.

He not only urged me to start doing this all over again but with a different perspective!

Not only that he very appropriately put across to me the concept of….. how happy one would feel when one actually sheds that excess weight)-
Thanks to also the wonderful app that also guided me along the way! I really could throw it away partially )

…… At least some unwanted weight! that I was carrying uncomfortably.
I may not still be “all that happy” as my well-meaning friend would have told me back then! before I got initiated into this process where combined self-motivated efforts coupled with the scientific/ psychological learning-based aspect supported by a particular app helped me to stay afloat in the process that need to be continued.

As a #founder, I believe that every small success needs to be celebrated(those in the #startup world would agree with me for sure).

Sharing with you all, this short post, with a clear request to each and everyone not to forget your #health.

Please (please) don’t neglect your health and if you happened to be out of shape kindly make sure to get back in shape through all means.

It is really important and my whole purpose of sharing this with you would be more meaningful if this motivates at least some to get back to more healthy habits.

Talking about the app that I used? Well, there are many and most would probably serve the desired purposes. What is really needed would be a self-motivated approach combined with tackling the inertia and getting into all those good habits that would result in being healthy.

Stay healthy everyone, because the adage “health is wealth” is still valid!

Thank you for reading!



Prakashan B V(Founder:BVPRGJ Consultants)

Taking forward Sustainable Engineering Solutions, Cutting edge technology for core engineering #Link: http://wehelpu2grow.com # Helping #MakeinIndia{SMEs/MSMEs)